Two-Spirit (2021)

Two-Spirit (2021)


Cortometraje Documental / Documentary Short Film 


16 min


REFRESH Proimágenes V3, 2021

The Winner of the Santa Lucía Award for Best Documentary of the National Competition – Bogoshorts 2021. (Goya and Academy Awards Qualifying)

Selections and Screenings

International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam – IDFA 2021 (Competition for Short Documentary) World Premiere.

  • Eye Filmmuseum 2 / 15:30 / Nov 20th
  • Pathé De Munt 10 / 21:15 / Nov 21th
  • Rialto de Pijp / 18:30 / Nov 24th
  • Pathé Tuschinski 3 / 12:30 / Nov 27th

Bogotá Short Film Festival – BOGOSHORTS 2021 (Competition for Best Documentary) National Premiere.

  • Cinemateca de Bogotá, Sala Capital / 15:00 / Dec 9th
  • Alianza Francesa, Sala Julio Verne / 18:30 / Dec 13th

Big Sky Documentary Film Festival 2022 (Competition for Best Short Documentary Award) North American Premiere.

  • The Wilma / 13:00 / Feb 24th
  • ZACC / 17:15 / Feb 26th
Directed by

Mónica Taboada-Tapia

Produced by

Beto Rosero


Guerrero Films

World Premiere

November 20th 2021

Awards and Recognitions